Superior Services

Our Global Network

Located at the largest peering exchanges in the world, we have built our global network with resilient, independent fibre paths, forming a global A side and B side network between all our major network points.

This makes access to the largest content, cloud and service aggregation partners, available to our customers, without having to leave our network. With multiple independent paths and independent diverse Points of Presence (PoPs), it makes our global network extremely reliable and almost impossible to break. Our 100% uptime to all major locations is testament to that.

Last Mile Diverse Service Aggregation

We have access to ALL major fibre providers throughout Australasia and the Americas. What this enables us to do, is not only buy at the best pricing, but also purchase from different independent suppliers. By purchasing fibre off supplier A and terminating that fibre at our A PoP, and then buying another fibre off a different fibre supplier B and terminating it at our B PoP, then we can extend our fully diverse network options right to our customers doorstep.

Diverse Managed Services

Getting multiple services to work correctly across two links, and having all services fail over correctly with QoS being fully maintained is not easy to do. In over 20 years of business, we have yet to find an end customer who has achieved full seamless resilience with two different suppliers by themselves. By allowing ACSData to install managed edge aggregation equipment (typically 2 routers, A side router, B side router), coupled with our last mile diverse fibre service, we can remove all the complexity on the customers behalf. We have many happy customers who have used these resilient services, some for over 10 years, and all have achieved 100% uptime from our service delivery.

The Moving Market

ACSData has continued to retain the same ownership structure for over 20 years. The significant majority of shareholding is held by current staff.

Many suppliers, as well as our competition, have been sold, some multiple times over the last few years. Therefore, when a customer prescribes to "let’s use two different Vendors so we can achieve greater resilience", the danger can be twofold. First, “Vendor A” may acquire “Vendor B” which invariably merges the once independent networks onto the same platform. Secondly, “Vendor A” may purchase fibre at a wholesale level off “Vendor B” without you knowing, and you effectively get Vendor B and Vendor B last mile solutions, i.e. no true diverse connection.

ACSData alleviates these very common issues by contractually ensuring fibre separation not only at the time of sale, but throughout the contract lifespan.

We are truly unique in this market and have an outstanding track record for our performance, responsiveness and reliability. If Internet and WAN services are critical to your company’s success, and downtime costs are significant, then choosing ACSData for your total telecommunications requirements may be the smartest decision management could make.